Alec Johnson on PublicSpacesLab

Alec Johnson [aka Carbon Productions]publicspaceslab

My pal Alec Johnson [aka Carbon Productions] is having lotsa talent: his skills to pay the bills: Landscape Architect. His way to play: stop-motion-making dad, husband, athlete, tinkerer and gifted musician, which is especially why he’s being featured here today:

Alec submitted some of his musical work to PublicSpaces Lab, where it’s being released as part of a compilation in the early part of 2010 under a Creative Commons License. He’s also nearing completion of a new album, which will follow the compilation’s release sometime in the first part of the coming year.

I’ll post both projects here when they’re available – meanwhile, congratulations, Alec. Keep em coming, son.

Happy holidays to everyone and a happy 2010.
