Mental models matter. How I lost >150 pounds over 3 years by changing my mind.
Give Peace-Of-Mind This Year
Share this list and check it twice to help friends and loved ones stay safe this season and beyond.
Better Listening in macOS
Quickly improve visibility with a few solid tips.
Small Changes Add Up
Since COVID, have you found new, more pleasant ways to do things?
Tips on Privacy Covers
How to cover cameras on devices for peace-of-mind.
On Kids & Guns
It’s controversial but important. As a parent, here’s my perspective.
If you nerd out about different ways to think about things, you might dig this.
Memorialize Deceased Online Accounts
Not easy to think about but important. Here’s everything you need to know in one place.
Smart TVs Watch Us?
Yep but you can stop it using these tips.
Not Your Grampa’s Keyboard
We don’t have to use lame, beige, joyless keyboards. Well, not unless we want to.
Data Rights Are Human Rights
The California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) goes into effect January 2020. Here’s a quick synthesis.
Experience is the move
To a new understanding, action, motion that moves us closer to perspective.
Logical Diagrams Improve Everything
Data flow diagrams quickly improve operational resilience. Here are some quick-win places to start.
Defense-in-Depth: DNAT
Another #InvisibleOpSec – how to improve efficiency, security, and privacy with little or no cost and minimal effort.
The Teeter and Totter of Innovation
Riffing on why some new ideas catch on.
What To Not Ask Santa For This Year
As ever, there are some things kids might ask for this year that might not be the best choice.
Privacy Matters for Reasons You Haven’t Thought Of Yet
The biggest reasons to be concerned about your privacy aren’t what you might think.
Mice as Malware
Experienced ID theft or fraud? Here’s what you need to know.
Dark Patterns
Dark Patterns are design tricks used to exploit typical human behavior. Here’s what you need to know.
The Power of Lists
Like making lists? Me, too. My lists may not be traditional but still serve a cool purpose.
Farmers Fight for Our Right to Hack
Farmers survive by quickly learning how to do many things. Out of necessity in this high-tech era, they’ve also become hackers.
Impervious to Change
Work looks the same as play today. Hard to tell if you’re on Insta or looking at spreadsheets accounting just sent over.
TAG, you’re it
Yesterday was a big deal, celebrated quietly only inside my heart.
How To Protect Yourself From SIM Swapping
These crimes are on the rise. Here’s what you need to know.
Protect Yourself on Facebook
Still using Facebook? Here are some tips to use it more safely, protect your identity, and detect fakery.
IoT, IIoT, and Reality
WARNING –> This is a long read, which is why the important stuff is at the top.
What’s a ‘botnet’?
Robot networks or botnets have quickly grown in popularity among criminals. Here’s why and what you can do about it.
Website hacked? Steps To Take
Webserver hacked? Some tips.
Peter Gabriel is Right About Jargon
Generally speaking, don’t use jargon. Just, don’t.
DIY vs. DIT – Part II
The first part of this post built an analogy, that centralization is like DIY (Do-it-Yourself) and decentralization is like DIT (Do-it-Together).
If we can agree on that analogy, simply for the sake of conversation, then we can take it a step further by looking through that lens into some specific contexts where this approach can add value to our efforts by breaking down our silos.
Unlikely Lessons in UX
Insights often reveal themselves in unlikely ways.
“Do It Yourself” (DIY) vs. “Do It Together” (DIT)
Tired: DIY (Do-It-Yourself)
Wired: DIT (Do-It-Together)
The Definitive Guide to DMARC
Advanced email security in one post.
What Does Resilience Look Like?
How prepared is your team for strategic response to unplanned events that disrupt your business?
Cybersecurity is Dead
Security companies are ripping you off. Hack them back with these tips.
Level Up: Data Classification
Level up your resilience to fraud, identity theft, global events & more.
Skipped college, learned from Linux instead.
Risky? Not really.
“Daddy, what’s ergonomy?”
Some suggestions to avoid repetitive motion injuries.
Wolves in Sheeps’ Clothing
How to be aware of social engineering.
Great UX Makes Infrastructure Sexy
UX matters if we want to help others make better choices.
How to Interview People
Inspired by a mentor who taught me by example.
Googling for Talent
Hacking machines is easy. People? Not so much.
Creating Meaning in the New Media Ecology
Neil Postman’s ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’ (1985), is about how mass media turns real, complex issues into entertainment.
Adaptation, Semiotics, and Getting Used to Things
My awareness of the word ‘adaptation’ began as a 5th grader in Mr. Johnson’s 6th grade class.
Where We Are – Probably
This is the sum total of everything we think we know about the Universe.
New malware for macos targets shared Xcode repositories
“Is that link phishy?”
Sketchy link? Check it before you click it!
The Path Foward In A Pandemic
Don’t survive this, succeed in spite of it.
The Dark Web Is An Onion
The Internet everyday people know through Google and Bing is less than 20% of the total number of sites that exist on the Internet. What is the Dark Web, anyway?
DoH + PiHole = Better Privacy?
Until companies design products and services with them in mind, the work of protecting our privacy and security falls on consumers like you and I.
The Elephant in the Room
Cybersecurity is dead. Long live resilience.