This site’s just an exercise not a fact, a whimsical waypoint that hopefully guides somebody, somewhere back to whatever it was they were trying to get done before getting sidetracked here.
Some of the more-frequented posts:
- Hacked Myself To Health – Mental models matter.
- Memorialize Deceased Accounts – It’s all here when needed.
- AR, VR, & MR : Designing The New Reality Experience – Future is friendlier.
- Data Classification – How is information valued?
- Logical Diagrams Improve Everything – Yes.
- DIY vs. DIT – The new hotness is Do-It-Together.
- Tag, You’re It – A 21-minute movie about it.
- Mice as Malware – Hacked? Steps to take.
- “Smart TVs” Are Watching Us? – Use this guide to stop it.
- What’s a ‘botnet’? – Simpler than you think.
- Defense-in-Depth: DNAT – Cybersecurity is dead.
- The Definitive Guide to DMARC – Defense for your inbox.
- Battle of the Bands: CI Pipelines – Spoiler: Ansible wins.